We recommend measuring yourself to check which Tahlo size is best for you before ordering.


  • Measure yourself without clothes on for accuracy.
  • Consider the fit of the garment. We include detailed fit information on the product page specific for each garment.
  • Review the Product Style Information for our main styles, which will give you more detailed information on the measurements and customisations of a specific style. It will also rate the fabric for stretch and ease of wear.

Our General Sizing (Australian)

Measurements shown in cm.

See the Product Style Information if you would like more detailed information about one of our key styles.

Tahlo Size Chart

Our Fit Types

When considering how our clothes fit in real life, we take into account wearing and design ease.

Generally, our different fit types have a different amount of ‘room’ in them above the exact measurements to make wear comfortable, and achieve the design aesthetic of the garment. This is variable due to fabric and design specifics, but we have provided a generic range below of how much room to expect (in cm) to help those who are interested in this level of detail.

Note: This is an indicative guide only.

Room to fit your measurements

^ Waist measurements are too variable per designs to include in a general guide, based on fit, belting, tie waists, etc.
*Depends on specific characteristics of the fabric, but may be less than the measurement to fit tightly especially if in stretch fabric.